This Big Universe

Just another weblog

I feel a little bit better February 8, 2007

Filed under: Daily Life,Me,Web — thisbiguniverse @ 7:15 am

Thank God, I feel better now. Still a bit weak but I can manage to do some stuff.

Well, hope the webworld really wants to know how I’m doing because I put all the effort to type these words. I act like a celebrity or what? Assuming that people wanna know about my health progress?


Know what, my husband almost found out that I had a blog! I’ll tell you about it sometimes this week.


3 Responses to “I feel a little bit better”

  1. seneca Says:

    What would your husband find out that you don’t want him to know?

  2. Diane Says:

    Are you afraid he’ll find out that you are a human being, and not an extension of him?

  3. To Seneca: Well, it’s more like a diary where I can say anything I want…including stories about my husband and my past. I don’t think he’d be happy to have his life spread to the world (if he knows that, so I’d prefer him not to know)…and he’s a jealous person…

    To Diane: That’s a thought…

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